Friday, September 14, 2012

Day three of WORKOUT!

So Wednesday, I started my first day of the rest of my life. I worked out! I went on the treadmill for 20 minutes. I know, just 20 minutes. But it was all I had at the time. I had to go to the bathroom. But I ran 1 mile. And that was my goal. When I got home, I finished my work out with Denise Austin for another 20 minutes (Pilates/yoga).

Thursday I went to the gym and did 35 minute work out and 2 miles. I was so proud of myself! I put my arms in the air, for a half a second! That was to much energy! But I did reach my goal for that day. I came home and spent time with Denise Austin again.

I have to say, Thursday I felt HORRIBLE when I went to bed (kind of emotional too). What's up with that? I took some Ibuprofen, drank my Lemon and Cucumber water and went to bed at like 9:45. Today is a new day, I am sore but not as sore as yesterday.

I wanted to share some of the people that motivate me!
Rebecca Herbst

Denise Austin

Tracy Anderson

Time to go work out! 

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